Performance Science & Brutal Focus
with Dr. Carla Fowler

We're closing out 2022 here at the Bartender with a BANGER!! This is, hands down, one of my favorite episodes of THE YEAR! Grab on to those handles above your seat, and hang on, because we've got Carla Fowler on the program.
If you don't know Carla, this is a holiday gift for all of you! She kinda rules. Carla is and MD/Ph.D. who has a passion for performance science. she's the founder of Thaxa Executive Coaching and uses her secret sauce performance science formula to help organizations from startups to the Fortune 501 She's a graduate of Brown University, got her MD and Ph.D. at the University of Washington, and completed her surgical residency at Stanford.
Today we're talking performance science and the killer tool - "brutal focus." You can probably use this as we head into resolution season! =) She's an AMAZING person, her approach is new, different, and fills a gap in the executive coaching space that is unique. This conversation was a blast, and I think you're gonna dig it!
If you want to skip straight to the interview, 12:15 is your spot!
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