Self-Leadership Leads to Effective Leadership
with Evan Roth

Evan Roth is an executive coach who works with the few who influence the many. He brings more than 30 years of experience into each and every coaching session and also… this podcast.
As you know, we have to start with his origin story.
Evan wanted to be a baseball player… Safe to say, he did NOT go down that path. His pivot point, oddly enough, was the statistics behind baseball players. Evan found out he had a knack for numbers and it changed the entire trajectory of his career path into accounting. From aspirational baseball star, to finance and numbers expert, to a people-focused coaching practice. What was going on in his mind? Let’s dive in.
Leader Soft Skills
Don’t underestimate the power of soft skills. Communication, empathy, emotional intelligence – all contribute to the cultural and leadership development of your company. It’s one thing to be in the business, it’s an entirely different thing to lead and become the business. Different stressors and practices come into play.
The Conscious Competence Model
Immersing yourself in learning is sometimes required when you become the business. You can have the fundamentals, but you may find there is a lot more work to be done. Impostor syndrome is REAL and challenging to get out of your headspace. Immerse yourself in your discomfort zone and face the impostor head-on. It’s a journey into authenticity.
“Authenticity has nothing to gain. Nothing to lose. Nothing to prove.” -anon.
Stepping Back from the Hamster Wheel
Success looks different for each and every one of us. There is a process that we all need to go through. We are conditioned to constantly be looking at what others think of us and how they measure us. You are our own measurement for success. While feedback is important, you cannot let it dictate each and every decision you make.
Leadership… And More Leadership
Some of the most effective leaders (in Evan and I’s experience) are the ones who lead themselves incredibly well and have an abundant mindset. They believe in the possibilities and solutions that they don’t even know yet! They’re not afraid of what they don’t know.
What To Expect With Coaching
Working with a coach can be challenging because it includes a lot of self-work. Unlearning can be just as exhausting as learning – and with a coach, you do both! Evan brings a challenge, but he also brings love and affirmation to all his clients. It’s hard work, but you’ll have a partner in finding leadership accountability and commitment. (This is the part of the podcast where I have a great Peloton analogy, but you’ll need to take a listen to hear it!) A learning mindset is key when investing in a coach and in yourself.

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