“SkyeTeam is amazing! They brought our executive team together with insight, frankness, and brilliance.”

Director, IT Business Partner,
Mauser Packaging Solutions


Strengthen your team’s relationships and performance with custom team alignment solutions

Available in-person or virtually

Effective Leadership is a Team Sport


No matter how skilled your team members are, they can’t single-handedly achieve your organization’s goals. Unfortunately, many team members feel, think, and behave like individual players — choosing their personal best over team success.

They lack the mindset and resources to create the relationships that will make them a high-performing team.

The result is a disconnected, ineffective team that isn’t aligned with each other or your business strategy and doesn’t achieve its goals.
(In short, they’re a hot mess.)

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“Morag did a superb job facilitating a global leadership teaming session during a season of change. Morag was able to surface key issues, enable an open and trusting group discussion, and develop agreed-upon strategic objectives. It is amazing that she was able to accomplish so much in just a day and a half.”

Talent Business Advisor Manager

Get Your Leaders.

Playing on The Same Team

High-performing teams require an atmosphere of trust and connection, but it takes more than a group hug and some trust falls to build strong relationships (especially if someone gets dropped).

Our team alignment solutions equip your leadership team with the common language, framework, and practical skills they need to build high-trust relationships. In addition, we tailor our content to your team’s circumstances and needs to ensure they have the skills to lead and perform effectively.

(Warning: They will have fun… a LOT of fun.)

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How We’ll Work Together

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Step One Look Up Discovery and Design

What We'll Do:

  • In this step, we will establish a clear understanding of what your team needs and develop a high-level program design to meet those needs.

What You'll Get:

  • You will receive a team program roadmap with recommendations for the formal Team Alignment session as well as a higher-level team development program if needed.
Step Two Show Up Development and Facilitation

What We'll Do:

  • Using what we learned in step 1, we’ll work with you to develop customized program resources and deliver your team session.

What You'll Get:

  • A fun, effective session that equips your team to collaborate more effectively, develop stronger relationships, and deliver the kind of results only a high-performance team can.
Step Three Step Up Evaluation and Ongoing Development

What We'll Do:

  • Finally, we’ll evaluate the impact of the session and recommend ongoing team events and development strategies to build momentum towards your goals.

What You'll Get:

  • Lasting behavior change and enhanced team performance. You'll know exactly how far your team has come and how they can continue building their relationships and performance so they can achieve long-term success.
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“Eric is one of the best at helping companies navigate uncharted waters. Our team at Zigatta is grateful for the insight and feedback that Eric has provided. His work and messaging is underpinned with the idea that in order for us to best serve our stakeholders we need to be focused on our team first, and always be working on our own leadership development. These have become core tenets of our business. There is no “playbook” that guarantees success in business - but with Eric and SkyeTeam we have an opportunity to write our own.”

CEO & Founder, Zigatta

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“Where do I begin? SkyeTeam is wonderful is probably a great start! Morag and Ruby recently conducted a team session for my team with STELLAR results! It's not often when you bring your team together from multiple sites and 100% of them shared that it was a beneficial experience and a good use of their time. Kudos to SkyeTeam for an outstanding experience for all involved!”

Vanecia Kerr, Chief Impact Officer at Mile High United Way

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Let's Connect

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