Why You Need Transformational Thinking
with Dr. Terry Jackson

Dr. Terry Jackson is a dynamic executive advisor, thought leader, TEDx speaker, and organizational consultant. He is a fellow member of the 100 Coaches and was recently chosen by Thinkers50 as one of the top 50 leaders in executive coaching.
Back to the Basics – Remix
Given the chance to go back (Benjamin Button style!) Dr. Terry would stay consistent with his entrepreneurial passion. He would like to own his own business on a large scale – but not for the money, but rather so he would have the ability to say, “Your grandson just graduated from college, let me give him a job and he can figure out what he wants to do long-term.” One of the greatest things you can do is help others take care of their families. What more can you do than put someone in a position to take care of the people they love?
Servant Leadership
Dr. Terry believes and demonstrates that leaders should serve, not for the money, but for the skills and values that are brought together when a team works cooperatively. He has always believed that revenue and profit are a byproduct of your service. By serving well, you will always be compensated well, regardless of if you are anticipating the reward or not. The universe always finds a way to provide for needs, which is summed up in the balance of abundance and generosity.
Co-Creation Leadership
So, what is co-creation? (You should read Dr. Terry’s book for a detailed answer!) In short, it is a superpower that helps us understand how we can be better together. Since we’ve been on this earth, what have we run out of? Honestly, the answer is nothing. This is because we live on a planet of abundance. Scarcity is created by man, by those who hoard. In this vein, co-creation is always about the greater good and the ultimate goal of identifying solutions and giving to those in need. It also means the elimination of titles to allow humans to come together and work collectively without feelings of inferiority and superiority. Removing titles allows us to look at each other as human beings and clearly evaluate our needs as an organization or even a society – all without the stigma. Ultimately, we’re trying to settle human issues and we should all be here, shoulder-to-shoulder, working toward that goal.
The Great Recalibration
The phrase, “The Great Resignation” does not do justice to what is happening around us at this moment. Maybe a better way to describe it is as “The Great Recalibration.” We are faced with the dilemma of deciding to go back to the old paradigm or move forward with the changes that the global pandemic has thrust upon us. In order to maintain power, the status quo must be maintained. There is a sense of power when leaders have people in a geographic position. Dr. Terry believes leaders should be learning to empower people, not call them back into the structures where they are under the leader’s power. We shouldn’t go back to normal because normal didn’t work for a lot of people. Our new reality should be humanity. We have to move forward in a new way and create environments where there is trust and authentic value.
Follow the RECIPE
The book contains a RECIPE and then 140 statements to trigger dialogue and conversation with your teams. So what is this recipe? (Fortunately, no sacred family dishes are revealed.) Well, each of us has our own recipe as to how we get up every day, how we work, live, and play.
Dr. Terry has outlined below his recipe:
Revolutionary Results
This guide is incredibly helpful as each component can be iterative and moved through and between. You can enter the conversation anywhere because it is a circular conversation. This flexibility allows for the cultivation of engagement and co-creation regardless of where you begin.

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