Are you ready to tackle one of the biggest national epidemics?

loneliness. woman sitting alone on a couch

It’s not what you might think – we’re talking about loneliness. Yep, you read that right, we’re focused on loneliness and the impact this has on all of us.

It’s no joke – U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy reports that half of all Americans feel lonely at any given moment. And the kicker is, this has serious mental and physical consequences. As Dr. Vivek Murthy, recently shared in the New York Times – social disconnection increases our risk of anxiety and depression, heart disease, dementia, and stroke. Yikes!

You can read the full report here.

Even before the pandemic, leaders told us they found it difficult making connections with colleagues. Nearly 1,000 leaders have completed our Ally Mindset profile, and of those report:

  • 58% report their workplace relationships are purely transactional.
  • 67% of report that their success has been undermined by the words and actions of a colleague, and
  • 20% say they have NO friends at work – no one they can turn to for advice.
Photo of the cover of SkyeTeam's Ally Mindset Profile Report

This is heartbreaking.

Remote work has only exacerbated the situation. Given how much time we spend at work—we can’t afford to ignore feelings of loneliness or disconnection.

But here’s the good news: We’ve been championing the importance of relationships for more than a decade, and we’re ready to lead the charge in creating a culture of connection. To ensure we are all #bettertogether.

If you’ve read our first book, Cultivate: The Power of Winning Relationships, or our new book You, Me, We: Why We All Need a Friend at Work (and how to show up as one!)” you know that we’re committed to helping us all to build strong, meaningful relationships. And let’s face it: relationships matter now more than ever.

Photo of two books. Cultivate. The Power of Winning Relationships by Morag Barrett and You, Me, We. Why we all need a friend at work (and how to show up as one!) by Morag Barrett, Eric Spencer, and Ruby Vesely.

Our message is simple yet powerful: Business is Personal. Relationships Matter.

So, how do we reduce loneliness and create a culture of connection?

I know, I know, I hear some of you groan at the idea of more forced teambuilding or happy hours. But hear me out. Connection is hard-wired into our DNA. It’s what makes us human and makes the difference to all our lives, and careers.

Connection and creating strong relationships at work is more than a warm and fuzzy feeling on the inside, or high-fiving each other on the outside. Strengthening your workplace relationships doesn’t require a Herculean effort. It happens in the existing moments and everyday interactions.

Which means the answer is simple: Choose to go first, to be a friend, and connect with others one conversation, one relationship at a time. ❤️

It’s as easy as: Look Up, Show Up, and Step Up.

  • Look Up. Pause and reflect on your relationship health – with yourself and with others.
    • Ask yourself: how do I feel in my own presence?
    • How do others feel in my presence?
  • Show Up. Be intentional in your relationships, at work and in life.
    • How do you need to show up in your next conversation to ensure others feel energized vs drained? 
    • Be present – if you sense someone may be feeling isolated then call them! If you are feeling isolated, call someone – call us!
  • Step Up. Adopt rituals and routines that allow time for relationships to flourish. 
    • Create time & space to talk about how people are feeling, not just what people are doing.
    • Lead a book club with Cultivate or You, Me, We (Invite us, we’d love to join your group for a chat!)

We believe that relationships are the foundation of our health, happiness, and success – at work and in life. We’re grateful to have you in our community, and we can’t wait to see the positive impact we can create together.

The time to start investing in your social capital is today, and create a culture of connection in a world of disconnection, so that you, me, we can be #bettertogether.

We want to hear from you too! How are you working to diminish disconnection and deepen your relationships at work? Let us know, and if there’s anything we can do to support you, don’t hesitate to reach out.

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