Remaining Relevant
with Evans Mehew

In this week’s episode, we chat with Evans Mehew about Remaining Relevant in the Age of Automation. If you want to skip straight to the interview, 22:46 is your spot!
If you don’t know Evans, he’s awesome! He’s a keynote speaker, a coach, mentor, consultant, and the founder of online learning platform Fast Fulcrum. His tag line is “Remain Relevant in the Age of Automation.”
As AI and Automation become more and more important, while the pandemic continues to fuel innovation, this discussion is right on time.
I think you’re going to DIG this episode. Evans points to a lot of online resources, and you’ll leave with a pretty long reading list! We’ll link ’em all in the show notes, and stay tuned for a special Fast Fulcrum offer to all TCB Crewmembers!
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