Unlock The Opportunities In Your Existing Network!
with Robbie Samuels

Robbie Samuel is a professional speaker, business growth strategy coach, virtual event design consultant, executive Zoom producer, emcee, podcast author, TEDx speaker, and virtual presentation skills trainer. What can’t he do! Robbie has been identified as a networking expert by Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and Inc. As a business growth strategy coach, he helps his clients discover likely prospects who already know and trust them so they stop struggling to launch. Also, as a virtual events design consultant, he assists organizations with decreasing stress and increasing participation and engagement as they move events online.
Back to the Basics
Robbie has always had a desire to bring people together – ranging from casual hangouts to formal parties or groups! He was running groups and events all throughout high school and really enjoyed colliding with different groups of people successfully. One day he realized that there was an entire community organizing industry focused on the exact thing that he enjoyed.
Small List, Big Results
Prior to the pandemic, Robbie was best known for his networking expertise. All the things he was known for – eye contact, body language, business cards, etc. – were no longer relevant in a pandemic era society. He quickly adjusted his strategies to fit the needs of the changing workplace and was able to grow a six-figure business in eight months. His book shares how he was able to accomplish this and also teaches the reader how to do the same. Robbie’s personal connections were truly what allowed him to start this process and build momentum.
Build Before You Sell
It is not uncommon for someone to build something that people need. They are an expert in their field, they create a great product, and they know that there is a market for this product. Except, when the product is brought to the market, it flops! This can be due to a disconnect between expectations. The potential clients expected a band-aid solution to their problem and surgery was just suggested. This is an example of a situation where building an audience first can be one of the most critical components to success.
How Do You Build An Audience?
Wake up your audience! Scan through your social media audience and group people in various categories depending on their relationship to you. The goal is to eventually reach out to 20-30 people and ultimately create a group of 4-12 people that you can work with to hone and adjust your product. Do not fall into the trap of “expert syndrome” where you assume that you know everything and do not need an outside perspective. There is so much richness in your network that you are not tapping into!
Relationship Through The Camera
People say that you cannot build a relationship through the camera – this is simply not true! Since the pandemic and the rise in popularity of video conversations, Robbie has experienced an increase in connection frequency. Previously, after making a connection at a conference he may or may not have followed up in the next year and would likely have waited until the next year’s conference to reconnect. Presently, video conferencing is a much more common and viable option and allows people to stay connected more frequently through repeated conversations.
The 80% Rule
Robbie is a firm believer that 80% of the people you need to know to be successful you have already met. Relationships are the answer to any business or life challenge. Throwing money at a problem can just make it worse, but reaching out to others is going to allow you to gather more information and create new connections. Generosity and the sharing of expertise are key to your success!

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