Why You Should Be Disagreeing More at Work

Are you having enough disagreements at work? We’re not talking about screaming matches or heated arguments about which contestant on the Great British Baking Show should have won. (Okay, okay, you’re probably arguing about sports instead of baking, but it’s cake, so we take it seriously…and with ice cream.) Those types of disagreements aren’t critical … Read more

How the Ally MindsetTM Can Change the World

A laptop with skyeteam attending a zoom meeting. On the screen is a Morag Barrett, Eric Spencer, Jose Acevedo, and Ruby Vesely

In You, Me, We: Why We All Need a Friend at Work (and How To Show Up As One!) we talk about how an Ally MindsetTM can radically transform your career, your experience of work, and even your life.  But the true impact of being an ally is even larger – having an Ally MindsetTM … Read more

Trust: The foundation for an Ally Relationship

During a recent keynote presentation the participant discussed one of the key themes from Cultivate: The Power of Winning Relationships – the ‘Four Yeses’, four critical questions that underpin every interaction, social and professional.The four questions are These four questions are fundamental to developing Ally Relationships. However it’s a two-way street. It’s not enough for you … Read more

Give Other People Wings

Kay is founder and CEO of KAY Diversity & Performance B.V., a global company committed to embedding diversity of talent into the transformational purpose of companies so as to unleash more creativity, more innovation, more growth, more engagement and better financial outcomes.  Kay’s roots are in South Africa where she worked with companies to transform … Read more