How to Love Your Professional Relationships (In a Totally Appropriate Way)

a woman at desk with a laptop and cup of coffee - professional relationship

It’s that time of year again—hearts, flowers, and chocolates everywhere remind us to nurture our personal relationships. But what about our professional ones? Why don’t we show the same level of care to the professional relationships that fuel our work lives? Before you hit “report to HR,” don’t worry—this isn’t about that kind of love. … Read more

Friends at Work: Cultivating Connections that Count in 2025

a picture of 5 disposable coffee cups each with a smiley face drawn on them representing friends at work

Ever caught yourself mid-email, coffee in hand, cracking up over an inside joke with a colleague? That chuckle isn’t just a coffee break—it’s a cornerstone of your career health. Insights from my books Cultivate and You, Me, We reveal that friends at work aren’t just lovely to have; they’re essential for both job satisfaction and … Read more

Lifelong Learning: How to Overcome Reluctance and Embrace Growth

a chalkboard with the words the beginners guide written on it the key to lifelong learning

Are you a reluctant learner? I certainly am. Lifelong learning can feel overwhelming, whether it’s resisting new skills at work or avoiding uncomfortable challenges, but we’ve all been there. My desk serves as a sanctuary of good intentions, bearing witness to my curiosity. It’s caught in a perpetual standoff between an ever-growing pile of unread … Read more

Maintaining Professional Relationships (Even When You Don’t See Eye to Eye)

the word disagree written on a piece of yellow paper that is torn into two parts. dis and agree maintaining professional relationships

Maintaining professional relationships is crucial to your success, whether you’re climbing the corporate ladder or you’ve already made it to the top. Let’s face it: sometimes working with colleagues can feel like navigating a minefield, especially when you don’t always see eye to eye. But here’s the thing—maintaining professional relationships is key to not just … Read more

How to Master Boundaries: 5 Essential Steps for a More Balanced Life

skyeteam image of a person standing facing a tall brick wall

Ever feel like your work-life balance is more like work-work balance? Yep, us too. If you’re experiencing work-work overload then it’s a sign that your boundaries aren’t showing (enough). We’ve long thought that work-life balance is a red herring, an impossible threshold for any of us to attain. The very phrase implies work or life, … Read more

4 Powerful Tips for Creating Meaningful Connections Fast.

meaningful connection metaphor two jigsaw pieces connected to make a heart on a blue background

If life came with a universal spoiler alert, it would be this: “You’re going to have to interact and connect with other people.” The need for meaningful connections are hard-wired into our DNA. It’s part of what makes us human. Unfortunately our research, and that from other organizations shows that our connections are splintering. Despite … Read more

Why Continuous Learning Matters More Than Ever

a pile of books, laptop, and ipad on a table with pencils and diagrams overlayed representing learning from traditional and new technology

“Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.” – The Borg Collective, Star Trek Okay, I’m not saying we’re all about to be taken over by a hive mind, but let’s face it: technology is everywhere, and it’s changing everything. Whether at work, play, or home, we’re living in a digital revolution. And guess what? Opting … Read more

Emotional Intelligence Unveiled: A Journey from Ingratitude to Gratitude

photo of a small enamel ring that is blue and green flowers on a blue background

Reflecting on a moment from my childhood, I’ve come to realize the profound role emotional intelligence plays in shaping our perceptions and relationships. My personal journey from ingratitude to gratitude, was sparked by a childhood memory, demonstrating the depth and complexity of our emotional lives, and that emotional intelligence is a skill to nurture. From … Read more